My next show will be at: PLAZA ART FAIR Kansas City, MO Sept 23-25 Fri- 5pm to 10pm Sat 10am to 10pm Sun 11am to 5pm Booth 233 *stop by and say you saw me on this Blog for a 15% discount at the show*
I have a NEW Collection called "Bird Portraits" plus other New Work!!!
Next show in a few weeks:
Milwaukee, WI
June 17-19
Booth 129 This is a beautiful show held under a huge tent in front of the Milwaukee Museum of Art, which is on the shores of Lake Michigan. Featuring artists from around the country.
Am excited to be working on birds today, along with my muse "Rufus", the baby crow, he is sitting with me in my studio today because I am crow sitting him while his dad is at work. So what better day to make more birds. Here's Rufus:
RUFUS UPDATE: Rufus has learned to fly & is now living back in the wild with his family. He was a delight to us all & we wish him a great life....!!!
The 3rd show of the year takes Brad & me to Fort Mason San Francisco. Brad will be showing his wall work & I my jewelry. Come by Booth #622. Mention this blog to receive 10% off my jewelry plus you can download free passes to the show by going to the website, which I will include below:
Here is a beautiful gallery in Nevada City, CA that I just gave some work to. So now I am a part of this great gallery with some great artists. Check it out. Or if you are in the area go in and buy something. The owner John Mowen is a fantastic sculptor & a lovely person!! You won't be sorry you drove up there for a look.