Tuesday, May 17, 2011

RUFUS the Baby Crow

Am excited to be working on birds today, along with my muse "Rufus", the baby crow, he is sitting with me in my studio today because I am crow sitting him while his dad is at work. So what better day to make more birds. Here's Rufus:

RUFUS UPDATE: Rufus has learned to fly & is now living back in the wild with his family. He was a delight to us all & we wish him a great life....!!!


  1. So nice to meet you! You were a wonderful addition to the Marion Arts Festival. Looks like you have a full art fair schedule. Good luck, good sales, and good journey!

  2. I need help and education. I found a baby Crow like Rufus running around in the middle of the street. His parents overhead screaming when I approached. I gently coached him over to a safe area next to some bushes where his parents were right over head and could easily see him. I checked on throughout the day and he was fine and parents still in sight. When I checked on him today he was dead. I buried him next to a dead squirrel I found weeks ago. I cried and cried....should I have done something else?
